Vhembe TVET collage strike ends

Vhembe Tvet collage located at Mavhoi village faced challenges as the community strike last week, 18 August 2020 which lead to the campus being close down. The community accused Vhembe tvet collage of corruption in regards to how they hire new stuff. The community believes that they favor certain people they know when hiring. The collage hired people they know and people from outside the community.
A meeting was held on Monday 24 August 2020. Vhembe collage spoke person Bonginkosi Dladlama says that the school management has reach an agreement which lead to a strike being called off. He continue to say that they were people working, but had reached a certain age where they have to stop working due to the corona virus regulation, which lead the collage management to open a job opportunity. People who were hired where not what the community wanted, he believes that there was a misunderstanding between the collage management and the community. Cooperate Social Investment is used to hire people around the community and place them to a certain job opportunity but in this case it was not used.
The opportunities are first given to the community he said. To ease the strike all the people who were hired during the time were told to stop, until this issue was solved. Some people who were hired were student from the collage and will use this opportunity as Work Integrated learning in order for them to gain experience. He continue to say that the misunderstanding was solved and all was back to normal, student will receive learning programs to cover all lost time.

Another meeting was held on the 25 August 2020 between the community of Mavhoi [ surrounding areas] and the collage representative. Community spoke person Pro Rammbwa says that he does not fully agree with what the collage spoke person said . Meanwhile the stuff was told not to speak to anyone regarding this issue that lead to the community seeing this as corruption. During the meeting the principal address the issues, but he continue to say that not all issue have been solved.
Community are still not happy regarding the following: How Vhembe collage hire new stuff using corruption, They are also complaining about the safety of the student around the campus,
After the meeting an agreement was reached that the campus must be opened and teaching must continue. The strike has stopped.